Ricco L. Young, 47, of Ottawa, was charged by Ottawa police with aggravated battery to a police officer Tuesday at his residence.
Evan Stewart, 24, of Ottawa, was charged by Ottawa police with aggravated battery Tuesday in his residence.
Jesse Vidergar, 41, of Streator, was charged by Streator police with disorderly conduct (loud music) at 10:09 p.m. Tuesday in the 1400 block of North Sterling Street.
Kelly Hert, 33, of Cornell, was charged by La Salle County Sheriff’s Office with failure to reduce speed to avoid an accident after striking from behind a vehicle driven by Amanda Genseke, of Streator, at 4:51 p.m. Monday on Route 23 and North 26th Road in South Ottawa Township.
Shaw Media Local News Network relies on reports furnished by police in our coverage area. Individuals in Police Reports who have been charged with a crime have not been proved guilty in court.